Biology Questions – Series 2
1) BOD is _
a) Biological oxygen deficit
b) Biosphere oxygen demand
c) Biological oxygen demand
d) None of the above
2) Bhopal gas tragedy was due to –
a) Air pollution
b) Soil pollution
c) Water pollution
d) Nine of the above
3) Which pollution causes jaundice _
a) Water
b) Air
c) Hand
d) Thermal
4)Double helix model of DNA is given by _
a) Mullar
b) Meghnath Sha
c) Stepham Hawking
d) Watson and Crick
5) Edward Jenner is related with which of the following disease _
a) Rabies
b) Small pox
c) Paralysis
d) Typhus fever
6) Biologist who proposed the theory of Germ plasm _
a) Weisman
b) J.C. Bose
b) Bateson
d) Lederberg
7) Transplantation of heart is first done by _
a) Dr . Willum Harvey
b) Sir F.G Hoffkins
c) Dr. Louis Pasture
d) Dr. Christian Banard
8) Taj Mahal is threatened by pollution from –
a) Chlorine
b) Sulphurdioxide
c) Hydrogen
d) Oxygen
9) Queen Victoria of England was _
a) AIDS Patient
b) Deaf
c) Haemophiliac
d) Color blind
10) Which date is known as diabetes day ?
a) 14th February
b) 14th May
c) 14th September
d) 14th November