Time Speed Distance MCQ Quantitative Questions Answers

11) A motor car does a journey in 9 h, the first half at 12 km/h and second half at 15 km/h. Find the distance.

a) 120 km

b) 100 km

c) 124 km

d) 96 km

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Option – b)

12) Two men A and B start from a place P walking 4 km and 5km/h respectively. How many km will they be apart at the end of 4 h, if they walk in same direction ?

a) 3 km

b) 4 km

c) 2 km

d) 4.5 km

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Option – a)

13)  Without stoppage a person travels a  certain distance at an average speed of 15km/h and with stoppages he covers the same distance a an average speed of 12 km/h. How min per hour does he stop ?

a) 15 min

b) 12 min

c) 16 min

d) 18 min

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Option – d)

14) On a tour a man travels at the rate of 64 km/h for the first 160 km, then travels the next 160 km at the rate of 80 km/h. The average speed in km per hour for the first 320 km of the train is

a) 35.55 km/h

b) 71.11 km/h

c) 36 km/h

d) 72 km/h

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Option – b)

15) pravat covers a distance in 40 min if he drives at a speed of 60 km/h on an average. Find the speed at which he must drive at to reduce the time of the journey by 25 %.

a) 60 km/h

b) 70 km/h

c) 75 km/h

d) 80 km/h

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Option – b)

16) A man covers a certain distance between his house and office on scooter, having an average speed of 60 km/h he is late by 20 min. However, with a speed of 80 km/h he reaches his office 10 min earlier. Find the distance between his house and office

a) 120 km

b) 90 km

c) 80 km

d) 60 km

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Option – d)

17) Two men A and B walk from P to Q, a distance of 22 km,  at 5 and 6 km an hour respectively. B reaches Q, returns immediately and meets A at R. Find the distance P to R.

a) 16 km

b) 18 km

c) 20 km

d) 15 km

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Option – ao)

18) Two bullets were fired at a place at an interval of 38 min. A person approaching the firing point in his car hears the two sounds at an  interval of 36 min. The speed of sound is 330 m/s. What is the speed of the car ?

a) 66 km

b) 49 km

c) 99 km

d) 98 km

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Option – c)

19) A train leave the station 1 h before the scheduled time. The driver decreases its speed by 50 km/h. At the next station 300 km away, the train reached on time. Find the original time of the train.

a) 100 km/h

b) 150 km/h

c) 125 km/h

d) 200 km/h

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Option – b)

20) Two trains, Kolkata Mail and Bombay Mail, start at the same time from stations Kolkata and Mumbai respectively towards each other. After passing each other, they take 12 hours and 3 hours to reach  and Kolkata respectively. If the Kolkata Mail is moving at the speed of 48 km/h, the speed of the Bombay Mail is

(a) 24 km/h

(b) 22 km/h

(c) 21 km/h

(d) 96 km/h

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Option – d)