21) All the terms of energy of Bernoulli’s equation have dimension of
a) energy
b) work
c) length
d) pressure
22) The Bernoulli’s equation refers to conservation of
a) Mass
b) Momentum’
c) Force
d) Energy
23) In a triangular notch is an error of 6% in observing the head. The error in the computed discharge is
a) 10%
b) 6%
c) 12%
d) 15%
24)For laminar flow in pipes the momentum correction factor is
a) > 1
b) 1.03
c) 1.33
d) 2.00
25) Maximum efficiency of transmission of power through a pipe is
a) 25%
b) 66.66%
c) 33.3%
d) 50%
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