11) When p.f. at the generating station is improved, the cost per unit
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains same
d) none of the above
12) Most of the loads are
a) inductive
b) capacitive
c) resistive
d) none of the above
13) The capital cost of a power plant depends on
a) installed capacity only
b) number of units only
c) both (i) and (ii)
d) none of the above
14) Flat rate tariff is charged on the basis of
a) connected load
b) units consumed
c) maximum demand
d) both (i) and (ii)
15) For power factor improvement, static capacitors have the drawback (s) of
a) short service life
b) getting damaged by high voltage
c) not repairable
d) all of the above
16) Domestic consumers are generally charged by
a) simple tariff
b) flat rate tariff
c) block rate tariff
d) maximum demand tariff
Have A Good Day!!