41)Name the Scientist of Indian origin, who was associated with the synthesis of human insulin gene _
a) Hargovind Khorana
b) Saran Narang
c) Indra Vasil
d) Govindjee
42) Blood group is discovered by _
a) Landstiner
b) Robert Koch
c) Willum Harvy
d) Loius Pasture
43) Stethoscope is invented by _
a) Jenner
b) Sabin
c) Lanni
d) Pasteuure
44) Scientist who crystallized virus for the first time _
a) Waksman
b) Watson
c) Stanley
d) Emerson
45) The term biotechnology was coined by _
a) Chohen and Boyer
b) Nathan and Smith
c) Karl Ereky
d) William Hays
46) Who discover vaccination for Rabies _
a) Jenner
b) Pasture
c) Darwin
d) Lister
47) The gas leaked out in Bhopal gas tragedy _
a) Carbon Monoxide
b) Etyle isocynate
c) Methyl isocynate
d) SO2 and NO2
48) Spraying of DDT produce pollution of _
a) Air
b) Air and water
c) Air and soil
d) Air ,water and soil
49) Ozone layer presents in our atmosphere absorb _
a) Cosmic rays
b) Infra-red rays
c) Ultraviolet rays
d) All rays
50) Which of the following produce maximum sound pollution _
a) Top music
b) Heavy truck
c) Jet flight
d) None of these
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